Chmod 6045

Chmod 6045 (chmod a+rwx,u-rwx,g-wx,o-w,ug+s,+t,-t) sets permissions so that, (U)ser / owner can't read, can't write and can't execute. (G)roup can read, can't write and can't execute. (O)thers can read, can't write and can execute.

Owner Rights (u) Group Rights (g) Others Rights (o)
Read (4)
Write (2)
Execute (1)
Extra chmod command options

Use the octal CHMOD Command:

chmod -R 6045 folder_name
OR use the symbolic CHMOD Command:

chmod -R a+rwx,u-rwx,g-wx,o-w,ug+s,+t,-t folder_name

Chmod Permissions for chmod 6045

Chmod owner

  • Owner can't read
  • Owner can't write
  • Owner can't execute

Chmod group

  • Group can read
  • Group can't write
  • Group can't execute

Chmod other

  • Others can read
  • Others can't write
  • Others can execute

How chmod 6045 looks in file listing

For files

After changing a file's mode to 6045 the file's mode will be displayed in Unix style file lsting as: ---Sr-Sr-x

For folders

After changing a directory's mode to 6045 the folder's mode will be displayed in Unix style file lsting as: d--Sr-Sr-x